
Build a World-class Electronic Engineering Discipline and Cultivate International Top Electronic Information Talents

Today's human society would not run without electricity, various electronic devices, electronic equipment, and electronic systems; Today's human society has entered the information age. Information technology has changed the original structure of the productive forces of human society and profoundly changed people's production method and life style. The level of a country's electronic information science and technology affects the overall level of scientific and technological development to a great extent, and even the comprehensive national strength. China urgently needs world-class talents in electronic information technology to become a great power in electronic information technology.

"Talents from half the country gather in Tsinghua University". The Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University has attracted the best students in the country. Cultivating world-class electronic information talents is our obligatory social mission.

Cultivating first-class talents needs the first-class teaching team and the first-class cultivation environment. To allow students to come into contact with innovation-led academic ideas and participate in international leading scientific research under the guidance of academic masters, the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University plans to launch the "Three Top Plan", namely "Top Talent Support Plan", "Top Idea Generation Plan", "Top Research Promotion Plan" and 8 foundations with a total fund-raising amount of RMB 1 billion to support the all-round creation of a world-class talent cultivation environment. The Department will occupy a leading position in the competition of international electronic information talent cultivation.

1. Top Talent Support Plan

Cultivation of first-class talents needs the first-class teaching team. Through the "introduction" and "guidance" of talents, this plan will establish an award foundation to guide teachers to engage in high-level innovative and leading research while introducing the world's best talents.

(1) Top Talent Introduction Foundation: It plans to introduce 20 best electronic engineering talents in the world.

(2) Innovation Research Award Foundation: Provide support for teachers engaged in forward-looking and exploratory research.

2. Top Idea Generation Plan

Cultivation of first-class talents needs the first-class academic idea. In the plan, the mechanism of "bringing in" and "going out" is established, a platform for the collision of ideas is built through the establishment of advisory committees, hiring guest professors, assigning teachers for further education in top international research teams, and organizing academic seminars, international cutting-edge academic ideas and information are introduced and the generation of innovative leading ideas is promoted.

(1) Guest Professor Foundation: Support 6 international top masters as guest professors in the Department of Electronic Engineering every year.

(2) Teacher Senior Visiting Foundation: Support 6 teachers in senior visiting of international top research teams for further education every year.

(3) International Discussion Foundation: Organize 2 top international academic seminars every year, and invite 10 academic masters and new and vigorous people each time for one-week deep academic discussion and exchange.

3. Top Research Promotion Plan

Top research has a very prospective and exploratory significance at an early stage. It is often the less popular or even considered ridiculous direction in the academic circle that needs self-financing support; The required scientific research platform isn't the conventional commercial instrument and equipment, so it needs to be designed and built through self-financing; High-end research results often have a longer distance from the market and the project realization needs to be completed through self-financing. From the early original innovation to the later project realization, the plan creates conditions for innovative and leading research.

(1) Independent Scientific Research Foundation: Plan to set up 5 topics every year with the expenditure of RMB 2 million/topic.

(2) Innovation Platform Construction Foundation: Plan to invest the special fund of RMB 5 million in the construction of innovation research instrument and equipment platforms.

(3) Project Realization Foundation: Plan to start the project realization of 4 achievements in scientific research each year, with an average expenditure of RMB 2.5 million/project.