News & Events
    Professor Sun Nan Was Invited to Serve as IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Distinguished Lecturer

    In April 2021, Professor Sun Nan from the Department of Electronic Engineering was invited to serve as the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Distinguished Lecturer. Presently, Professor Sun Nan also serves as IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer.

    The IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program invites well-known experts in the field to give academic reports at the IEEE branches and regional seminars. Generally, with a term of two years, the distinguished lecturers have extensive knowledge and they are also excellent speakers. The topics of their reports cover current research hotspots related to chip design, including cutting-edge technology development directions, new devices, new memories, wireless communication technologies, high-speed and high-precision data converters, high-speed wired communications and on-chip communications, low-noise clocks, and various designs with high energy efficiency and low power consumption, and so on.

    Sun Nan

    Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University

    Full professor with tenure

    He graduated from Harvard University in 2010. He joined the University of Texas at Austin in the United States in 2011 and got his life tenure in 2017. Since 2020, he has served as a full professor with tenure. In 2020, he won the New Frontier Award given by IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society and the Career Award given by the National Science Foundation of the United States in 2013. He once served as a member of the editorial boards of JSSC and TCAS-I and member of the technical committees of CICC and ASSCC. He also served as a consultant for Intel, ADI, TI and other companies. He has trained 22 doctoral students, 8 of whom are teaching in universities in China and the United States, including Gatech, SUNY Buffalo, Peking University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Xidian University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, etc., and others are technical backbones in world-class chip companies. He has published 30 papers in JSSC, a top journal in the chip design field, and published 47 papers at top conferences of ISSCC/VLSI/CICC. Presently, he also serves as IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer and IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Distinguished Lecturer simultaneously.